10 things you experience when you move out of your home for the first time

Moving out of your home can be scary and exciting at the same time. You are anxious about surviving on your own but you are also pumped up to experience this new independence.
1) You’ll go through a rollercoaster of emotions
You will feel homesick and lost in the beginning but you are also excited for this new adventure. Isn’t this what you have been waiting for? Pushing down a feeling of nostalgia and your parents warmth, you are ready to take on the world.
2) Freedom is a sweet, sweet thing
After being sheltered and fussed around at home, you will have to start taking your own decisions, big or small. No more depending on your family. It’s not going to be pleasant all throughout but you will learn to fight through the odds, be resilient and to just keep going. You will become self- reliant.
3) Learning to get along with all and any
You are in a completely new place and you will want to get to know more people, so you end up socializing more than you normally would. Introverts become extroverts, extroverts start to enjoy their own company and people just accept each other for who they are – that’s what hostel life teaches you – to acknowledge and appreciate each other’s individuality and be able to adapt to the diversity. Your people skills are truly honed!
4) “Yes, I definitely need three jars of Nutella and five packets of potato chips”
Grocery shopping for yourself is the best.
5) You are broke… End of every month!
Managing your money is another very important life skill you learn when you live on your own. You have all these plans of saving up. But savings? What savings? Grocery, shopping, eating out, parties.. How can one possibly save?
6) Maggi will become your best friend
You will learn to survive on maggi for days. Maggi will get you through happy days and sad days.
7) The nights will no longer be for sleeping
Your sleep cycle will turn upside down. Night time is for gossip and jamming sessions. You will master the art of attending classes after 3 hours of sleep.
8) You won’t need reasons to party or to go out.
There will be multiple jam sessions. There will be major dance sessions. Why? Because you can!
9) Meticulous planning and execution of birthday surprises
Birthdays are a huge part of hostel life. The meticulous planning and sneaking around so your friend doesn’t find out, and finally seeing your friend laughing and having the time of their life leaves your heart full and happy.
10) Every phone call you have with your mom will overwhelm you with homesickness.
Every time you talk to your mom, you have a longing in your heart. You realise living at home was so good and so cheap. But you turn around and see your goofy friends and it becomes alright. You have found a new home.
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