Month: August 2019
Why is Hostel living a “once in a lifetime” opportunity?
When you think “Hostel” what clouds next is “Taare Zameen Par”, and Ishaan Awasthi’s nightmare come to reality. However there is a silver lining to this!
From “Hey, can I borrow your charger” to “I’m wearing your dress for tonight”, somewhere in-between hostel mates become family”, and here is the proof!
1.) You become Independent!
If ever discerned, the comfort of home life is equivalent to putting your growth on autopilot which nonetheless impedes your being. However this “standby” mode is fast loosing ground. Getting things served in a platter and being sheltered in a cocoon has become old school now! If one really wants to take a leap, and be ahead in the rat race, stretching yourself out of the ordinary is indeed a necessity. Hostel living thus helps you to become your own person!
2.) You become more people oriented!
The deep rooted art of selflessness is indeed a rare sight, however hostel life teaches you how to master this art effortlessly. “Sharing and caring” becomes your innate nature and one learns to forego minor inconveniences to rather focus on the bigger picture.
Hostel living endures a different kind of homesick altogether! “A middle of the road homesick”, whereby leaving your house is frightening, but leaving your “tribe” is even more nerve racking (Indeed a Home away from Home!).
3.) You learn how to be economically sensible!
Hostel life lends a hand to infuse noteworthy life lessons such as “How to stretch a Rupee”. Budget-constrained life may not seem fancy-schmancy, but it will guide you to understand the tips and tricks of making the most out of mere things.
4.) You learn to appreciate the HERE and NOW! (YOLO)
Hostel life backs you to help capitalize your “in the moment” experiences. You learn to live life less in your headspace and more out there! It helps you attain “blur your thought bubbles and pop back to reality” experiences.
It also helps imbibe essence of authenticity and rawness as we learn to value things that otherwise were aspects of our life that didn’t even make us blink twice. Those taken-for-granted moments become such that we are now utterly grateful for and truly appreciate.
5.) Late night studies, and hang outs!
Imagine having your favourite person beside you 24×7, from dusk till dawn! Your partner in crime, and your support for burning the midnight oil during exams! Besides, we’ve all heard the saying “Best are the talks post 3am”, and hostel life curates this perfect environment at your disposal!
6.) Celebrations, Celebrations, Celebrations!
One sheer truth about hostlers is that they don’t need a reason to celebrate! From birthday’s to low days, everyday is a celebration for them! Such wave of new zeal and excitement creates a sense of belonging and togetherness, that helps maintain close knit bonds.
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