Month: September 2019
How to tackle loneliness when you’re away from home?
Homesickness isn’t certainly a “sickness”, it is a feeling of deprivation you get when away from your loved ones, your nest, your comfort zone. Even if this word has a negative undertone, it is more normal than you think it to be.
We aren’t born with boxing our emotions or compartmentalizing how we feel, when we feel, and that’s completely okay. It’s your quotient and hence your take. But in all this what stands true is the commonality of it. You feel it, I feel it, We all feel it from time to time. Such momentary lapse isn’t a sign of weakness. In fact, it is the opposite. In it’s truism it shows that you have something valuable back home to hold onto. Something authentic that’s worth reminiscing.
However, one cannot shun the fact that the feeling comes with an essence of unease and discomfort and such low days definitely make you feel drained out, emotionally and mentally. Amidst this, the most humane thing to do is hold onto whatever feels real to you then and there. Basically keep you grounded.
Here you are in luck. Living at Tribe, especially being amidst individuals from your own age group aka “Gen Z” andmost of them being your batch mates itself, is the ultimate key to lock loneliness once and for all. Whether it’s your peers, roommates or other residents, they are the catalyst to fight the waves of homesickness. All the more, the reason I’ve highlighted your sheer luck is because Tribe in itself creates an environment that effortlessly echoes this and enables you to surface out of your cocoon. Whether it’s through providing hotspots such as the breakout area or by curating weekender community activities such as Tribe’s football tournament, they ensure socialisation at its best.
Even though Tribe trains you to live for the here and now, it certainly does not just focus on this tunnel vision. Instead, it sculpts you to challenge yourself on a regular basis by creating an environment of all sorts. In it’s own way, it constantly ensures that settling isn’t an option for you. And thus, they dispose an array of activities, from Yoga and Zumba, to dance and singing for you to find your own fit. Your mark, your soul sense!
From this we’ve figured that tackling loneliness isn’t a one-person job and hence, we’ll back you up! We also have a happiness manager in place to ensure that your smile always stays intact. Alongside this we have floor representatives in check, to extend their hand when in doubt or fear.
However, despite this if things escalate, we have the management team to fill in those blocks. Here in Tribe we have an open door mantra. That glass door is as transparent as your communication with us should be.
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