Fitato event review: Zumba and Yoga Workshop!

1.) Nishita Arora: It never occurred to me that fitness regimes can be fun too! Thanks to Fitato Fit now I do!
2.) Anshul Pasari: Even though I play football on a regular basis I didn’t realise how much more I need to work on my core strength till Fitato Fit happened to me! An eye opener indeed!
3.) Ipsit Karmakar: An aerobic workout that felt like a party! It legit kept me on my toes! (Pun intended). It was a high-energy workout that made me burn calories without discerning.
4.) Prajwal Venkatesha: Despite being a fitness fanatic, I can solemnly swear that it was an out of the ordinary experience. The workout coupled with dance was extremely inspiring to learn. So if dancing is your groove, learning Zumba should be your next move!
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